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Dr. Nunik Hariyani, S.Sos., M.A
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Sosial : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
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Journal of Social Affairs (Print ISSN 1411-53441, Online ISSN 2580-1198) contains manuscripts of research results, conceptual agreements, critical analysis in the field of social science, conceptual studies of critical analysis and book reviews in the social sciences
Articles 7 Documents
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MUHAMMADIYAH SEBAGAI GERAKAN PEMBAHARUAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Aphil Barroch Mahesa; Faisal Ramadhan; Tri Wirahadi Kusuma; Muhammad Farid Alfian; Febri Nur Hudanansyah
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.133


Muhammadiyah is an Islamic reform organization that has had a major impact on the progress of Muslims in Indonesia. The reforms carried out by Muhammadiyah include multidimensional, such as in education, health, economy and culture. In the field of education, Muhammadiyah undertook the modernization of Islamic education, which is essential for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Muhammadiyah refined the Islamic education curriculum by incorporating Islamic religious education into public schools and secular knowledge to religious schools. The concept of HIS med the Qur'an, which was launched by Muhammadiyah, could mean that public schools plus Islamic subjects became a model not only for educational institutions under Muhammadiyah, but also used by other Muslim groups, which made education an area of concern. In addition, Muhammadiyah also organized the modernization of madrasah by integrating it with the boarding system (pesantren). Modernization takes place intensely in the form of the introduction of the institutional elements of modern education and the subjects of modern science. The renewal of Muhammadiyah education gave rise to various advances in various areas of Indonesian society. The historicity of Muhammadiyah as an educational movement can be referred to the formulations of the goals of Muhammadiyah's presence from 1921 to 1971 which describe education as the basis of its movement and steps. Muhammadiyah wants to provide a new perspective that education is holistic integrative, not in a partial dichotomous area, which can contribute to the development and progress of the nation.
Konsep Keadilan dan Pesan Moral dalam Film Miracle In Cell No.7 Yayu Astuti Lampi
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.139


Abstract: Film is one part of the mass media that displays moral messages and film is also one of the ways the media criticizes the way humans live in society. With a descriptive qualitative approach and literature study, this paper seeks to find the meaning of justice and other moral messages in the film miracle in Cell no.7. Which brings people to the point of passion for their respective lives, because in the reality of social life there are still many values that are contrary to the truth. Especially in the legal world, sometimes the law only favors those who are stronger and forgets those who are weak. This certainly happens because of legal inequality and the non-enactment of the value of justice which should be the right of all human beings. Therefore, this paper wants to offer the spirit of learning through film to reflect with social phenomena that occur in the reality of society and be more sensitive to the value of justice that should be the right of all people. Keywords: Film, Justice and Moral MessagesAsliAbstrak Abstrak : film adalah salah satu bagian dari media massa yang menampilkan pesan-pesan moral dan film juga merupakan salah satu cara media mengkritik cara manusia hidup bermasyarakat. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan studi pustaka, tulisan ini hendak menemukan makna keadilan dan pesan moral lainnya dalam film miracle in Cell no.7. yang membawa manusia pada titik penghayatan hidup masing-masing, karena dalam kenyataan kehidupan bermasyarakat masih banyak ditemukan nilai-nilai yang bertentangan dengan kebenaran. Secara khusus dalam dunia hukum, terkadang hukum hanya perpihak kepada mereka yang lebih kuat dan melupakan mereka yang lemah. Hal ini tentunya terjadi karena ketimpangan hukum dan tidak di berlakukannya nilai keadilan yang seharusnya menjadi hak semua manusia. Oleh karena hal tersebut, tulisan ini hendak menawarkan semangat belajar melalui film untuk berefleksi dengan fenomena-fenomena sosial yang terjadi dalam realitas masyarakat dan lebih peka dengan nilai keadilan yang seharusnya menjadi hak semua orang.
Kajian Keberlanjutan dan Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi dan Budaya di Jawa Timur: (Studi Kasus Pulihnya Masyarakat Ketintang Pasca Pandemi) Martutik Intan Rahayu Martu; Moh. Dede Ardiansyah Dede; Khusnul Khotimah
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.140


Pandemi Corona Virus Diesease 2019 (Covid-19) menjalar di seluruh wilayah, tidak terkecuali Kelurahan Ketintang, kec. Gayungan, Surabaya. Aspek Sosial ekonomi, dan Budaya merupakan dampak yang paling mendapat perhatian setelah aspek kesehatan. Bidang sosialisme, Perekonomian, dan Kebudayaan kelurahan Ketintang mengalami penurunan akibat pengaruh dari luar maupun keadaan di daerah sendiri. Krisis sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya harus segera diatasi agar tidak terpuruk lebih dalam lagi menjadi depresi Pancagatra. Karena itu, pemulihan Sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya harus segera dirancang dan mulai dilaksanakan. Melalui kajian secara deskriptif kualitatif, jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan basis sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya di Kelurahan Ketintang untuk melakukan pemulihan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Kelurahan Ketintang yang kaya akan sumber daya manusia, serta masyarakatnya yang mayoritas sebagai wirausaha dalam arti luas, maka strategi pemulihan Sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya. Kata kunci: Covid-19, pemulihan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. The 2019 Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic is spreading throughout the region, including the Ketintang Village, kec. Gayungan, Surabaya. The socio-economic and cultural aspects are the impacts that get the most attention after the health aspect. The fields of socialism, economy, and culture in the Ketintang sub-district experienced a decline due to external influences and conditions in the area itself. The social, economic, and cultural crises must be addressed immediately so that they do not sink further into the Pancagatra depression. Therefore, social, economic, and cultural recovery must be immediately designed and started to be implemented. Through a qualitative descriptive study, this journal aims to reveal the social, economic, and cultural bases in the Ketintang Village to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Ketintang village, which is rich in human resources, and the majority of the community as entrepreneurs in a broad sense, is a strategy for social, economic, and cultural recovery. Keywords: Covid-19, economic recovery, social and culture.
KUALITAS PELAYANAN DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN CATATAN SIPIL DALAM PEMBUATAN DOKUMEN KEPENDUDUKAN: Suatu Penelitian Tentang Pelayanan Dinas Kependudukan Dan Catatan Sipil Dalam Pembuatan Dokumen Kependudukan di Kota Bogor Tahun 2022 egy widyatmoko; Harianto; Retno iswati
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.159


The focus of this research is the quality services of Population and Civil Registry regarding the preparation of residence documents in Bogor City. The purpose of this research is to measure the Quality of the Service at the Population and Civil Registry in Bogor City on 2022. The theory used in this study is the Five Dimensional SERVQUAL theory according to Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry in Ratminto and Winarsih which adjusted the standard operating procedures for services and policies written by the Bogor City Population and Civil Registry Service. The method used is descriptive quantitative. The population of this research is the people who make population and civil registration documents at Disdukcapil Bogor City with a sample size of 100 people. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires, observation and documentation. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The suggestion for this research is that the Bogor City Disdukcapil is expected to be able to improve the quality of its services to the community as service users, especially in terms of speed and accuracy, the Bogor City Disdukcapil needs to provide good physical appearance and provide more adequate supporting facilities, the Bogor City Disdukcapil is expected to increase its socialization regarding the application "Si Kancil Berlari" so that people can find out and use the application so that it can facilitate and assist the community in making population documents and civil registration
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.221


Eksploitasil seksuall komersiall anak merupakanl suatu lusaha yang dilakukan oleh lseseorang untuk lmemanfaatkan dan lmemeras ltenaga lkerja lanak demi lkepentingan bersama lmaupun lpribadi. lBagi lkeluarga lmiskin, lanak pada lumumnya lmemiliki lfungsi ekonomis, dan lmenjadi salah satu lsumber lpendapatan atau lpenghasilan lkeluarga, sehinggal anak menjadi terbiasal sejak usia dini lterlatih lmenghasilkan uang luntuk membantu lekonomi lkeluarganya. lPemanfaatan atau lpemerasan lpekerja lanak sangat beragam, mulai dari lanak-anak yang ldijadikan lpemuas nafsu lorang yang lmampu membayar lmahal. Dalam lkeadaan ekonomi yang lmemberatkan seperti ini lmembuat orang ltua atau lkeluarga dari ltingkat lekonomi lmenengah ke lbawah llebih memilih menjadikanl anak-anakl mereka sebagai lpenopang lekonomi lkeluarga dari pada lbersekolah.
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.224


The use of Instagram social media is used by the community in carrying out many activities ranging from entertainment, doing business, looking for information or other activities. This study examines and discusses how Instagram is used as a promotional medium by the Madiun Umbul Square tourist park which is managed by the Marketing and Creative team through the Instagram account @maduiunumbulsquare and to find out follower responses to posts on the Instagram account @madiunumbulsquare. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through interviews and documentation and then analyzing it using the marketing mix theory or the marketing mix and the linkages to the use of Instagram features. Then test the validity of the data using the source triangulation method.The results of this study state that in promoting the Madiun Umbul Square tourist park using Instagram media in the form of posts, captions, comments, hashtags, tags, likes, followers, mentions, geotagging, Instagram stories, live Instagram and Reels Instagram can support the online promotion process in providing information , and influencing tourists to visit the Madiun Umbul Square tourist park. Based on the results of observations and interviews with several followers, Instagram social media is effective in increasing visitor interest. Evidenced by the statements of followers who know the Madiun Umbul Square tourist park through posts from the @maduiunumbulsquare account. The presence of Instagram social media is effective in increasing visitor interest.
Pesan Mitigasi Bencana Dan Sistem Peringatan Dini Di Media Sosial (Analisis Isi Pada Akun Instagram @bpbdmadiunkab) Huditta Nur'aini Putri Huditta; Nunik Hariyani; Zulin nurchayati
JURNAL SOSIAL Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/sos.v24i2.237


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the message content of disaster mitigation video content and early warning systems informed by the Madiun Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) on the Instagram social media account @bpbdmadiunkab. This research qualitatively uses content analysis with categorization of visual content and text content. By using observation techniques, documentation and literature in collecting data. Based on the research that has been done, the researchers draw the conclusion that the content messages on Disaster Mitigation and Early Warning Systems on the Instagram account @bpbdmadiunkab contain informative and persuasive messages. Disaster Mitigation content contains disaster prevention information and Early Warning System Content contains disaster risk reduction as a form of information for users or accessors. The content of Disaster Mitigation and Early Warning Systems refers to the unitary design principle (unity), balance(balance), Rhythm (Rhythm), emphasis (emphasis), Proportion (proportion).Keywords : Content Analysis, Disaster Mitigation, Early Warning, Instagram,BPBD Madiun Regency, ContentAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isi pesan konten video mitigasi bencana dan sistem peringatan dini yang diinformasikan oleh Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Madiun pada akun media sosial Instagram @bpbdmadiunkab. Penelitian ini secara kualitatif menggunakan analisis isi atau konten dengan kategorisasi konten visual dan konten teks. Dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka dalam mengambil data. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka peneliti menarik kesimpulan bahwa pesan konten Mitigasi Bencana dan Sistem Peringatan Dini pada akun Instagram @bpbdmadiunkab berisikan pesan informatif dan persuasif. Konten Mitigasi Bencana berisi tentang informasi pencegahan bencana dan Konten Sistem Peringatan Dini berisi tentang pengurangan resiko bencana sebagai bentuk informasi untuk pengguna atau pengakses. Pada konten Mitigasi Bencana dan Sistem Peringatan Dini menunjuk pada prinsip desain kesatuan (unity), keseimbangan (balance), Ritme (Rhythm), penekanan (emphasis), Proporsi (proportion).Kata Kunci : Analisis Isi, Mitigasi Bencana, Peringatan Dini, Instagram, BPBD Kabupaten Madiun, Konten

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